How much is your unhappiness costing you?

Are you already counting the minutes to that mid week  happy hour? Maybe thinking about  dinner and drinks on Friday night?

Did you promise yourself that this week you will make it to the gym before your membership expires?

Is a Starbucks run your midday saving grace so you can push through what you have to get done?

Do you end up ordering take out most nights because you get home late and exhausted from work? 

I, like you, was caught up in the same repetitive cycle week in and week out.

Weekdays dragged and when Friday finally arrived I would spend close to 150 to 200 dollars on dinner, drinks and cabs going from party to after party. I lived up the New York City party girl life, until one day I realized something had to give. For me, this was not a sustainable way to exist. Not only was this costing me an empty savings account but it almost cost me my life! 

If you can relate to any of this, then maybe it’s time for a change. Let’s face it,  how much is your unhappiness costing you? I know this may seem dramatic but it’s the straight up truth.

Are you are ready to change what is no longer working for you in your life? than I invite you to join Urban Breath NYC for  Change Your Life with Breath-work Intro session, on Tuesday November 29. (Click here for full details)  

 You will learn the most powerful tool that I used to transform my life. 

Have specific questions about this Intro session? Not sure if breath-work can help you? Please contact us todayto schedule your FREE clarity call with Lisa or myself to get clear.

Can’t make it on November 29th? Click herefor other dates.

Register and save your seat, space is limited.

The most powerful tool that will change your life…

Are you stressed out because you lack direction and focus?

Have you promised yourself that you will start to make changes but nothing seems to last?

If you are looking for a life change but don’t even know how or where to start, you are not alone.

Lisa and I know what it feels like to desire something different for your life; to be deeply dissatisfied with your job, your health and your happiness and to be stuck in the same cycles of thought and behavior. Through the years we have worked at breaking out of what was keeping us stuck, but still there is always something more that we are seeking.

For the past couple of months we have been on a hiatus, traveling to Miami, Connecticut and Philly for conferences. We are in the middle of some big changes as we move into the next phase in our business and ourselves, incorporating new tools we have learned so we can be more empowered, experience more freedom, and breakthrough into the vision we have for our lives; and support you to do the same!

We invite you to a special Intro session where you will experience the most powerful tool that we used to change our lives fast!

In this hour and a half session you will:

* Experience the most powerful tool you can use to change your life fast!

* Learn 7 proven strategies that will allow you to achieve the lasting change you are seeking.

* Learn how you can use the power of breath and moving meditation to accelerate your transformation and become the master of your life.

* Learn how you can finally remove the gloom and experience more fun, freedom and happiness!

We truly want to make this available to as many people as possible but space is limited for this event so reserve your seat now.

Life is too short to live with dissatisfaction, pain and frustration. Take action because one decision can change your life! We hope to see you at How to Change Your Life with Breath-work Intro session.

The Path to Personal Abundance

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to live life effortlessly? They are surrounded by great company, buying the things they not only need, but want, going on vacations often, looking healthy and happy.

Does it ever make you wonder, “What are they doing that I am not?”

But what if it’s actually something you are doing, every single day, that is creating a block in your life? 

I’m going to suggest to you that it’s the thoughts you are thinking and the energy behind them that are keeping you stuck and not allowing you to have and experience the love, pleasure, health and abundance you desire. Much like when you’re having a bad day and then it seems to get worse; your thoughts attract similar situations into your life. If you think this sounds like silly superstition test it out for yourself. For two days start your day with two opposite frames of mind. Pay attention to what you’re thinking and notice the emotions behind your thoughts. Then track how your day goes. How differently do your days turn out?

You might be asking yourself “How can I stop the thoughts I automatically think and in turn influence how I feel?”.

The great news is that you don’t have to stop your thoughts- but simply  replace them with different thoughts.

At first this may seem like a challenge, but if you make the commitment to yourself to feel good every day- your mind will follow.

Join us for the intro to our upcoming series of workshops dedicated to paving your  path to personal abundance. Start to create possibilities for all the money, love and success you desire in your life.

Love your life! by Monica Aparicio

The past couple of weeks have been exhilarating to say the least! This is a short list of things I have learned, LITERALLY in 2 weeks’ time:

I discovered that I was squandering the greatest resource available to me to grow and expand professionally.

I realized how I was using resentment to keep me from being responsible in different areas of my life.

I got present to the way I limit the efficiency of my communication in my relationships with people.

I got honest about how small of a game I was playing in my personal and professional life.

Whoo, but that’s not all! When I looked at all of these things with honesty for the first time, not only was I shocked but I knew that I was living a life that lacked integrity- big time!

This big realization called for immediate action; and so that’s exactly what I  did.

When I was willing to be honest, be fearless, and be open to trying things on, I gained a new perspective and a plan of action that is creating endless opportunities in my life.

The results?

I have gained a deep appreciation and new found confidence in my ability to be a public speaker.

I have reconnected with  family that I didn’t even know I had!

I registered for a 3 day business retreat in Miami and will be spending a full day getting coached by a savvy, mutli-millionaire marketing genius!

Amazing, what can happen when we simply open up to life. What could be possible in your life if you got present to what’s really going on for you? I invite you to explore the possibilities!

Join Urban Breath NYC for a workshop designed to push you past the confines of an ordinary life into one that truly invigorates and makes you feel alive!

You’re invited to give us some input!

Welcome! We are so happy to have you visit us.

We want you to know that we are truly committed to creating unique experiences at our workshops, that will leave you feeling empowered, relaxed, grounded, clear and connected to life!

Your input will help us, so that we can serve you and support you the best we can.

Please leave us a comment answering any of the following questions.

Thank you!

1. What is the biggest thing you are struggling in your life with, right now?
2. What is your biggest fear?
3. What issue or area  in your life would you like to have support with ?

4. If you could design a personalized workshop just for you- what would it look like?

Getting intimate

For many years I had convinced myself that I truly did not desire being in a committed relationship. After going through a long divorce from a short lived and abusive marriage my soul yearned for the freedom and simplicity the single life offered.

In the 3rd consecutive year of  sovereign  independence my heart began to long for a deeper and lasting connection with someone. The problem was I remained stuck in a cycle of superficial relationships – because I desperately feared the closeness intimacy would bring.  As I began to gain more awareness over my fears I got to truly understand and know myself and for the first time in my adult life, I started to fall in love – with myself.

This was the beginning of true intimacy; loving myself freed up my heart to fully receive love from another with authenticity. Being single was a wonderful time of self discovery that informed me of  my true desire; to give and receive love freely- without fear, without holding back.

I invite you to join Urban Breath NYC for a workshop designed in supporting you ignite intimacy– whether you wish to enhance self-love or deepen your relationships.

Having more confidence

When I was in the fourth grade I always got picked last to be on athletic teams in gym. It was so embarrassing, but I realize now that I hid and shrank on purpose. I didn’t want to get picked, because that would mean being seen! 

Can you recall situations in your life where you have made yourself small? 

What was the fear that kept you from stepping into the spotlight?

What would open up in your life if you allowed yourself to be seen each and every time?

These days, I’ve learned to see the positive lessons to take away from most unpleasant situations. Looking back at that chubby little fourth grader who receded into the background I know she learned to be a really good observer of her environment. I watched everything around me and today that is a great skill to have when working with people.

I also know that in order to work with people I must allow myself to be seen, meaning: I must have the courage to own my confidence.

I invite you to join Urban Breath NYC for the first workshop in our summer series designed to support you in building and owning your confidence!


A few weeks ago I recalled a memory from childhood that helped bring light to a situation I was going through.

My mother was a single parent who had to resort to dropping me off at a babysitter since I was a year old. Dona Anita took care of many kids, the smallest of them spending hours in a playpen. I have faint memories of wanting to run and play and being confined to a small space I had to share. As an adult there are times when I still feel the confinement I did in the playpen. The difference is now I have a choice to construct the borders or to be free. Acknowledging this choice I realize freedom begins in the mind.

In what ways do you keep yourself confined?

How do you box yourself in with your thinking?

What is holding you back in life; what is in the way?

This Saturday I invite you to experience more freedom in your life. Join Urban Breath NYC for an experiential workshop designed to liberate your mind and open the door to new possibilities in your life!


Responding to life’s surprises by Monica Aparicio

Responding to life’s surprises by Monica Aparicio

A couple of funny things occurred in yoga class this morning. On a deep inhale I caught a whiff of something pretty rank. What a surprise when I realized that it was the teacher’s feet I was smelling! That being said, it was a great yoga  class. It had all the essential components I always look for in classes: good music, great flow from posture to posture, use of essential oils and even the “OM”  at the beginning of class had harmonious pitch.
The other funny thing that happened occurred while I attempted to transition into an inversion from dolphin pose ( see image)

As I was extending one leg into the air and jumping off the floor with the other I managed to jump too high and catapulted myself all the way up and over my  head. Time seemed to slow down as I saw the ceiling above me while I  flew into the air and landed flat on my back. Luckily I didn’t crush anyone around me.

So what the hell does this have anything to do with anything? Life is full of surprises that can throw us off guard; it’s how we respond to situations that makes all the difference. This morning  reminded me that I always have a choice in how I respond. I was also able to literally let go and have a laugh at myself. After I flopped over I had to appreciate myself for the courage to literally throw myself up into the air all in the name of inverting!

Establish Healthy Balance by Monica Aparicio

Last month in my household the decision was made to start dropping off the laundry. At first I resisted the idea of paying double, even triple the amount to let someone else wash my drawers. My partner Alex, understanding the benefits doing this would create, pushed for it. So on a sunny Saturday we dropped off two weeks worth of laundry and walked to the Brooklyn museum. “Wow ” I thought ” I can spend two hours enjoying art gazing with my love instead of putting it off to do chores.”  

 For us, making time for leisure was needed to create more balance in our lives. This meant I had to let go control over washing the laundry. Now just a few months ago I blogged about the joy of doing laundry. Making the laundry compromise taught me how life is in constant flux; recognizing when and how to flow with life is essential in maintaining balance.

 Where in your life do you need to create more balance?

 Do you deprive yourself pleasure and fun in order to accomplish every item on your to do lists?

 Are you struggling to commit to your goals because you lack focus and discipline?

 I invite you to be a part of an experiential process utilizing  movement and breath to access a space of meditation.   Join us for Path to Personal Freedom , a series of biodynamic breath and active meditation workshops, designed to support you in creating more balance in your life.